Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Circle of Life

I finally heard back, officially, on the results of Palmer’s MRI. I subscribe to the notion that “no news is good news.” But, after a week of nothing (I don’t think they were ever going to call me) I finally decided to call and ask. The nurse came on the phone and simply said, “everything is normal.” That’s it? What do we do now? Where do we go from here? Nothing and nowhere. So, there you go – everything is normal. Well, everything except our bank account, that is; $1,000 later…everything is normal.

Camden finally got to the dentist on Saturday. He did remarkably well. He only freaked out a little bit when it was his turn to climb in the chair, but he calmed down pretty quickly. Until the dentist put her mask on. That really sent him over the edge. I guess that’s a good thing. Kids should be afraid of masked (wo)men, right? Once he was on my lap, and the dentist was maskless, he let her look in his mouth and take a picture of his tooth. As I suspected, there was no cause for concern. The chipped edge isn’t sharp, so she didn’t bother putting any putty on it (probably more trouble than it’s worth). She said the tooth might die and turn gray, but that’s about it. Funny…when I was Camden’s age, I had dead, gray front teeth from my brother head-butting me with his giant melon head! (Aha…see how it all comes full circle?)

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