Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Okay, just one more...

My dinner conversation this evening with Camden...

Camden: Mommy if you ever have an emergency, like you need a fire truck or you get hurt really bad and it's an emergency, you call 9-9-1-1.

Me: Oh, very good honey, but I think it's 9-1-1, not 9-9-1-1.

Camden: No, it's 9-9-1-1.

Me: No, 9-1-1. Just one nine.

Camden: No, not 1-9, it's 9-9-1-1.

No, I don't mean 1-9, I mean there is only one nine...nevermind (sigh).

Camden: Yes Mommy, 9-9-1-1 for emergencies.

Me: Uh, okay just remind me to never ask you to call for help in the event of an actual emergency. Hey, Palmer, can you say 9-1-1?

Palmer: Ooh ooh, aah, aah, I a monkey!

Me: Yeah, I'm screwed.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Blog or (face)Book?

I must admit, the blog has been taking a backseat to Facebook for some time now. My New Year's resolution is to...let the blog go. I know, I know, you thought I would resolve to blog EVRY DAY...but sorry to say, I have come to the resolution that it is just not going to happen (pun intended...groan). Enjoy these last few bits if Christmas cheer and have a happy 2009! And, check my FB if you want to keep up.