Friday, July 11, 2008

The Maine Event

We had a fantastic time in Maine. The weather was beautiful - chilly at night, with a high of 78 and sunny during the day. Almost a little too cool for the beach, but the boys didn't seem to mind.

[See pictures below]: We stayed in a cute little cottage/cabin on the beach that was very old and a little dirty, but perfect for the kids, complete with a front yard for them to run around in. We went to the carnival at the pier (walking distance form our cottage) and rode a few rides, including the Ferris wheel over the water. Had a lobster roll for lunch (sorry, no pic) that was de-lish! I've heard about them on the food network, and couldn't wait to get to Maine to try one. We tried to watch the fireworks that night, but Palmer slept through it and Camden got bored after 15 minutes and wanted to go inside. Next morning we hit the beach, then showered up and went for a "nature hike" on a cliff to see a lighthouse that never materialized. Then it was off to Rob's aunt's house for the official family get together. You can see most of the 50 plus of us in the picture, but I notice a few stragglers are missing. Day three everyone wanted to drive to Salem, MA (supposedly a 1.5 hour drive that turned out to be three hours for those that went) but I said no way, for the sake of the kids. Instead we found a children's museum 15 minutes away in downtown Portland (thank you laptop and GPS) where they could run and jump and play; and then a short brewery tour at the Shipyard Brewery just around the corner for Daddy. We wrapped up the final day after dinner with an ice cream treat, and that was about it. We had a great time, ate lots of lobster, and came home needing a vacation from our vacation, but it was well worth it.

Okay, there are a few key details I left out, like the stroller incident, the bag check, the tire delay, the pee on the plane (not ours), the rock bed, the drunken realtives, and the list goes on. But that's neither here nor there, so we'll leave it there. Above all else, we had FUN!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hair we go again

Repeat after me: “I swear never to make my child grow his hair long and get a bowl cut like Joey Lawrence, or that red-headed kid from Diff’rent Strokes, because even though I thought they were really cute back in the ’80’s, it is not necessarily the best look for my kids.”

You all know I caved on Camden’s bowl cut last month and let Rob take him for a shorter cut, but I was still holding out hope for Palmer. Okay, so it was a little shaggy…you just have to endure that sloppy in-between stage when you’re on the quest for the perfect bowl cut.

Well, this time I caved all the way around. Okay, I admit it, Rob was right and I was wrong, as evidenced by the pictures below (please don't make me explain the Superman costume). Palmer got a cute little boy cut and Camden’s in-between-bowl-and-short cut went all the way short. It had to – it was still too long in the back, and he had this weird bang-y thing going on. Rob also got rid of his mop and opted for a short cut. It is truly the end of an era for the bowl cut in our household.

As for the cutting part, the boys did remarkably well. The stylists were totally impressed. Palmer sat on Daddy’s lap and did a great job of holding still. And Camden climbed right up in the big chair and hopped on the booster seat all by himself. He was so proud of himself for sitting still and kept telling the stylist “I’m not crying. I’m a big boy.” (Yes, we had a tearful attempt at Supercuts in the past). He even let her use the clippers on his neck without so much as a wince. I was so proud of them.

If I hadn't birthed them myself, I'd hardly believe they're even related.