Monday, September 29, 2008

Wait...what day is today? October 1 already?

(I started this yesterday and didn't get very far, but that's why the date above is wrong...sigh) Yikes! Was my last post really over a month ago?! I've written several posts since my head. Okay, I know it doesn't count becasue you are not mind readers. I swear I am trying, but you try to have two kids and a full time job and keep up with your blog. Let me know how that goes for you.

So, here's the update. Yes, Camden finally realized that his doggy was no longer around. He whined, there were a few actual tears, he asked a lot of questions and then he told me a few days later that his doggy "runned away." And no, I did not tell him that, but I guess that was the only way he could wrap his mind around it. He has also become really attached to his stuffed dog lately (looks just like Dempsey, BTW). For a long time, it was "baby tiger that the dentist gave me" that dragged around the house, but now it is doggy. According to Camden, doggy does not have a name and doggy does not talk (okay, so he doesn't hear voices...good to know).

Palmer's language skills are really progressing. His best words are apple, ball and banana. There are really just a handful you would be able to pick up offhand. But I, being the mommy, am very skilled at deciphering his rudimentary language, and boy does that kid talk. "I want more toothpaste" "That's Mommy's shoe" and my personal favorite, "No Camden, not nice!" As you may be able to tell, he gets most of his phrases by copying Camden, and his most common sentences begins with "I want..." He has also said things like, "That doggy says woof" "There's water in there" "All gone lizard" and he especially loves to sing. The cleanup song is his favorite..."clean up, clean up, everybody do your share..." The doctor said when kids are close in age it is unusual for the younger one to talk so much, as the older one usually does all of the talking for them, but Palmer seems to be holding his own pretty darn well. I think he sensed form an early age that Camden was only looking out for number one, and if he wanted to compete, he would have to make his own way.

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