Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Let's all do the Potty Dance!

We are celebrating a huge milestone this week in the Hernandez house. It literally brought me to tears. It’s a bigger deal than learning to walk or talk…Camden is potty trained! No more baby diapers EVER! (You have to say that like Joan Crawford for maximum effect).

The best part is that he insists on using the big potty, so I have relegated the little potty chair to storage in the garage and will resurrect it when Palmer is ready. The only down side is that he also insists on standing up to go pee-pee like a “big boy” and his aim ain’t so great.

Camden has been using the potty at day care, and the little potty chair at home, for a few months now, but I have been falling back on diapers whenever we left the house, not wanting to risk cleaning up accidents in public. But, I finally bit the bullet the weekend before last, and we made several outings sans diapers. It was amazing, he told me when he had to go, and he used the potty, and used the potty and used the potty. Okay, there is one other drawback; everywhere we go he has to use the potty. And, there is another best part too: (excuse me if a get a little graphic here) not having to change his stinky, poopy diapers is wonderful! That part (going #2 in the potty) was a little harder to get him on board with, but he finally came around with a little bribery.

I tried to make him continue wearing diapers at night, not wanting to have to wash pee-pee blankets in the morning, but Camden flat-out refused, saying emphatically, “Mommy, I am potty trained.” How could I argue with that? And, he wakes up dry every morning. So, as far as I can tell, he is 100% fully potty trained and never looking back – not a single accident yet in the last two weeks.

Seriously, it’s better than walking and talking!


TheLamaJon said...

Hooray for Camden!! Tell him his uncles are proud of him.

Anonymous said...

We had a junior pottie to train Andrew and I how to use it. One morning I took a poo and used to much TP in the junior toilet. I dumped it into the big toilet. It backed up and overflowed onto the bathroom. Mom wasn't home so I tried to cover it with a towle. Dad woke up and went to use the bathroom and found the toilet overflowing and full of my poo. He was not happy and I beleive i was scared from the experience. Stupid pottie training.