Monday, April 7, 2008

How I give to the needy

Rob and Camden had a father/son day at Sea World yesterday [LSS: Rob got a ½ price ticket from his Budweiser distributor at the restaurant. I didn’t want to go because tix are so expensive, so I opted to stay home with Palmer so Rob and Camden (he’s free anyway) could have a day together.]

After they got home and Camden was ready for bed (Palmer was already asleep), we were relaxing on the couch while Rob was in the shower. I was giving Camden a little foot rub as I often do before bed to help him relax. As he was telling me all about the sharks and their big teeth, he paused to instruct me on his preferred foot rubbing technique: “No Mommy, push harder… squish my toes…use two hands.”

Seriously, where does he come up with this stuff?

Shortly thereafter, Camden was in bed and Rob was filling me in on the details of the day. He paused for a moment with a simple request, “Hey Babe? Will you rub my feet?”

Of course I obliged, knowing how he had been doing a lot of walking all day from the Shamu show to the Penguin display to the Dolphin pool, while I was at home relaxing – doing laundry, dishes, vacuuming, cleaning the shower, did I mention laundry?

“Make sure you get in there and get the toes,” he said.

I started laughing. “Like father, like son,” I said, and told Rob about my earlier conversation with Camden. “You guys are so demanding.”

“We’re not demanding,” he countered, “we’re just needy.”

“Why are you so needy?”

“Because we’re men.”

Not sure where the conversation went from there, because all I could hear was the hammer hitting the nail on the head. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought he had actually read my blog.

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